I have been having an intermittent starting issue the last few weeks that only appeared when the engine was hot.
When trying to start the car nothing happened, all I heard was the fuel pump priming but the starter motor didn't turn.
After a few hours when the engine bay was cool the car always started fine.
Since yesterday it decided to do this always no matter if the engine is cold or hot.
I suspect a loose/broken connection somewhere or could it be the starter motor?
I bought a 2m cable and I have a multimeter, could someone help me troubleshoot the problem?
The car is running on Emerald so no tachymetric relay.
P.S. When replacing the servo with my collegue he disturbed the brown connectors under the dash as I found that by playing with the connectors/cables when the car was hot it would sometimes start.
This isn't the case anymore so it seems like this is not the root cause of the problem as I initially thought.