There’s little information regarding fitting double springs or experiences on this forum, so I thought I’d share my recent experiences in fitting the Catcam kit, as sold by Pug1off. I had two heads to build and the owners had both purchased the kits without advice. Pug1off will openly warn buyers that the kits are not for the inexperienced engine builder.
The kits contain three parts. The double springs, retainers and spacers (or bottom retainers). I’ll detail the bottom first, as this was identical in both heads I built. The tops differed, as one head had XU9 valves, the other XU10.
The spacer is designed to fill the spring base cavity, creating a new flat platform. Once they drop in, they’re hard to remove, so beware. Whilst the spacers are made from anodised aluminium, you can’t allow the springs to sit directly on that. Additionally, the inner spring would sit on the casting aluminium. Neither ideal. Thus you need to add a thin hardened shim, which both inner and outer spring can sit on.
Next issue is that there is nothing now to locate the bottom of the springs. They’ll wander around and create havoc. Pug1off advise to turn up steel rings, which slip over the guide and locate the inner spring. The seal is then fitted which retains the ring in place.