OK, So I want to be upgrading the rear suspenison and making everything a little on the stiffer side of things in order to run the suspension that I already have on the front end.....
So, I know eventually I want to be replacing both the anti roll bar and the torsion bars, but is it alright (read safe) to do one and leave the other standard while I get some more money in the bank??
If so, which way round would I do it?? Thicken up torsion bar and leave the ARB? Or thicken up ARB and leave torsion bar... And why???
I have no doubt once it's explained to me I'll be kicking myself and wondering why I even asked in the first place lol
I'll be looking up the how's later, but I'm guessing it's not a simple one out and one in job for either... "End plates" is something I've seen mentioned??
Any advise is, as always, greatly appreciated already