I've been researching rod bearings. Found some info you may find useful. As you know, copper/lead bearings for Mi16's are hard to come by. However, it turns out that ACL have a few options. They make a bearing for the 405 turbo diesel in F780 (copper/lead) in std, -0.3, -0.5 and -0.8 undersize. The catch is the tang is in the wrong spot. Easily fixed when reco'ing the rods however.
They also make std rod bearings for XU9's in F810 in std, -0.3 and -0.5.
They also make a "race bearing", same material, F780, in the normal XU9 petrol configuration, but it's only currently available in std and -0.25. I suggested they add -0.5mm to their range. There is a possibility if they get enough demand. I've thrown away plenty of Mi16 cranks that could otherwise been saved if there was -0.5mm. So speak up! Contact your local ACL rep.
turbo diesel - 4B1685
standard petrol - 4B7702A
race bearing - 4B7700H
Do a search on their website for full specs