Hi all
Got a strange issue with the car alarm - a toad ai606. It keeps intermittently going off when the car is either parked up & unlocked or whlist driving. When I say intermittently its likes its a dodgy wire or something as it can last half a second or 10 seconds and there doesn't seem to be a way of turning it off apart from disconnecting the battery.
I first noticed a problem with the alarm when the siren stopped beeping when I locked/unlocked the car but thought nothing more of it - didn't really bother me that it had stopped working. Thought it might have been something to do with me disconnecting battery when not using the car to save its juice. This then seemed to fix itself and it began beeping as it should.
Then the other night the car alarm kept going off as I was driving, rather embarrassingly! I just drove it home and disconnected the battery. Went to look at it today, and gave it a small drive around the block and all seemed fine, was even beeping as it should.
Then I was in the process of swapping over the fuel pump relay under the dash and I must have touched something as all of a sudden it went off again. So I disconnected the battery. Reconnected it up and it went off, so started poking the wires under the dash by the fuel pump relay and it stopped, and no longer beeps at me.
Could see a black wire joining one of 5 yellow wires that goes into a yellow plug, and also a black wire plugging into the other side of the yellow plug which look like alarm related wires.
Sorry for the essay, but question is what do you think could be causing this issue and where shall I look? I'm not very electronically minded! Other option is to just disconnect the siren I guess, I'm not fussed about the alarm as the car has an immoboliser.