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Andy F

Facet/ Filter Question

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Andy F

Hi people


just a quick question about the facet and filter king combo:


1) Looking through the instruction it says the power feed should go via an oil pressure switch so it cuts out if the engine stalls, does the existing fuel pump feed have this?


2) I know allot of people mount the fuel pump near the tank but the filter king in the bay. I was going to mount both together above the tank, i take it there's no mot issue about these being inside the car?


Thanks for your help


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The feed for the fuel pump comes from the tachymetric relay which in effect is a switch which will cut power to the pump if the engine stops. You can leave the tach relay and wiring in place when you do the wiring and run the fuel pump feed from that (wire 76) or cut into the standard plug at the back if thats what your doing. I just recently made my wiring loom for carbs which may be useful to you? http://forum.205gtidrivers.com/index.php?showtopic=99532

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Hi people


just a quick question about the facet and filter king combo:


1) Looking through the instruction it says the power feed should go via an oil pressure switch so it cuts out if the engine stalls, does the existing fuel pump feed have this?


2) I know allot of people mount the fuel pump near the tank but the filter king in the bay. I was going to mount both together above the tank, i take it there's no mot issue about these being inside the car?


Thanks for your help


Regarding mounting the pump and filter inside the car, that should be an absolute no no unless they were fitted inside a fire proof box of some sort as per competition regs.

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