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Just Painted My Underneath 205 Boot Floor With Hammerite.

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in the process in fitting my 309 beam, after taking a hour to take old beam off, and i thought i would paint underneath the boot floor, so gave it a quick clean (well scrapped of the rust did'nt bother cleaning the dirt off) and painted it, well caked it, in red hammerite underneath. I have to say it was a very messing job, and it looks ok, but maybe a bit messy, with drips etc, but as it wont be seen i dont mind. the reason i used hammerite is you can paint directly onto rust, and its hard wearing.


my question is has anybody done this before? and what were the results say after a year or two? will the hammerite last and a good option?






Edited by surferkid205

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On my old 309 all the old rust that you are supposed to be able to paint over came through in 6 months. I even gave it a really good clean off too.


Having said that, it was a rotbox which I scrapped as sills rotten through and floorpan bent.

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On my old 309 all the old rust that you are supposed to be able to paint over came through in 6 months. I even gave it a really good clean off too.


Having said that, it was a rotbox which I scrapped as sills rotten through and floorpan bent.



the only slight rust is where the the rear sandwhich mounts were, but i did sand it back the best i could to metal, then red hammerite over it. wonder if its best if i sprayed it with wax oil at a later date?

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painted under my boot floor about 4 years ago with gloss black hammerite, cleaned it all up not much rust only surface. still looks good today and cleans up a treat

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I painted the hole underside of my 205 in silver hammerite last year and it has been fine and when I get my car painted I will re paint the underside again

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Hammertie is supposed to last at least five years iirc but its all dependant on the preperation before painting so from the cleaning you say you did, leaving dirt etc on there it might not last that long & rust could start coming back through within 12 months.


I did the same area of my car around March last year when the beam was off but haven't checked it since. I wire brushed most of the rust off & degreased it as well before giving a couple of light coats of hammerite & then sorayed some black gloss car paint over it a day or two later.


I'll have a look when i go to my car later this week.



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