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Cheap 205 24mm Arb Upgrade...

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:lol: even with an XU7 4mm headbolt spacer pushing the fixed end out I can push the R/h side on pretty much all the way in without any resistance from the splines.


I'm going to try a little more spacing of the left hand end plate, but I'm unsure how much impact this will have on the strength of the splines, how little can I have before they decide to strip??


Seeing as I have a 22mm 306 ARB here I may just cut that down weld it in and sod faffing with the 106/saxo ARB....

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Nicely nicely :wub:

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eh? :wub:

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Not so plain sailing then... I was considering this myself as i'm currently borrowing the big ARB's i have in 205 length... :D

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I'm going to try a little more spacing of the left hand end plate, but I'm unsure how much impact this will have on the strength of the splines, how little can I have before they decide to strip??

For what it's worth, I've seen standard ARB's with stripped splines on a few occasions now, on both 205/309 and 306 beams , so running on half the splined surface may well fail prematurely. From memory all of the stripped ARB's had distinctly rusty looking ends on them, but whether that was cause or effect I don't know.


That said, I've not yet seen a stripped torsion bar spline, and that's pretty much the same pitch.

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The info on this thread is now nicely, (ie 306 ARB cut down to fit 309 beam)

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That info is all over the forum, a small search would uncover it, not too mention it being pretty bleeding obvious!

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I thought the 306 one would be too long with the wrong splines, it good to know whilst reading this thread that its not to much

trouble to get hold of a thicker ARB, so when i go looking for one, i can trim the 306 one down my self. :)

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The 306 one is too long with the wrong splines for a 205/309!

Edited by Baz

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They are indeed wayyy too long, but use the 306 end plate, chop down the arb and weld one end plate on, fit the other end as usual.


For now I've left the 106 bar in place, luckily I have 185 tyres on so I can pop a bolt in the end of the ARB to hold the plate on, but it'll probably strip the splines knowing my luck!



I do have a 20mm I think 306 bar, which is a fair upgrade over 19mm on its own, let alone the 24mm of the Sport spec 306's, should be able to weld that into one of the end plates easily enough if I crank the welder up.

Edited by welshpug

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Well what type of metal mix are the ARB'S made from?

Are they easy enough to make ?


Well that's me speed reading the thread, least there is a cheaper way.


As they are made to keep the arms together, would a 306 one need to be ARC welded ?



EDIT:- Thanks WP

Edited by SurGie

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For what it's worth, I've seen standard ARB's with stripped splines on a few occasions now, on both 205/309 and 306 beams , so running on half the splined surface may well fail prematurely. From memory all of the stripped ARB's had distinctly rusty looking ends on them, but whether that was cause or effect I don't know.

I had the same on my STDT, one end of the ARB had the splines stripped out in the end plate & on the bar so i wouldn't use a bar thats only halfway into the end plate.


Jimistdt got a 20mm arb from me & his end plates were a very slack fit so I'm not sure what we said we'd do but I'd be vary weary about using them like this.



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so how long is a standard 205 arb then? cos ive got a brand spanking new 24mm 106 arb, and have just de-rusted and painted some 306 end plates ready to go on, but i'm now a little worried that i may have p*ssed a bit of moolah down the drain on this one!:)

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so how long is a standard 205 arb then? cos ive got a brand spanking new 24mm 106 arb, and have just de-rusted and painted some 306 end plates ready to go on, but i'm now a little worried that i may have p*ssed a bit of moolah down the drain on this one!:)


how much did you pay for it

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so how long is a standard 205 arb then? cos ive got a brand spanking new 24mm 106 arb, and have just de-rusted and painted some 306 end plates ready to go on, but i'm now a little worried that i may have p*ssed a bit of moolah down the drain on this one!:D



Hiya mate, I've just measured mine (Std 205 ARB) and its 1094mm end to end.

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I thikn i remember someone is resplining 306 arb to fit 205 if my memory is right it was £70 exchange?


not bad





Back to welding. Would be arc strong enough or some other weld would be better?


Wouldn't welding change the steel structure at the welded end? or is it only small difference?

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I thikn i remember someone is resplining 306 arb to fit 205 if my memory is right it was £70 exchange?


not bad





Back to welding. Would be arc strong enough or some other weld would be better?


Wouldn't welding change the steel structure at the welded end? or is it only small difference?


It would certainly reduce the elasticity around the welded joint but the total effect on the torsion bar would be negligible.

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mine seems to be 1086mm (its an unused genuine peugeot/citroen one and cost in the region of £80) i dont think 8mm will be too much of a horror show?

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hmm, I'll have to double check the length of my bars, its definitely an ARB though, it has the notch on one end that you have to line up with the M8 bolt hole on the end plate/ lever

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hmm, I'll have to double check the length of my bars, its definitely an ARB though, it has the notch on one end that you have to line up with the M8 bolt hole on the end plate/ lever



I've just checked the 20mm ARB from the new beam and that is 1094mm too.




O/T - Graham: I think the ARB on mine will be okay, there is no play in the splined ends and they push on easy enough. Once the bracket is on I can't see it being a problem.

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O/T - Graham: I think the ARB on mine will be okay, there is no play in the splined ends and they push on easy enough. Once the bracket is on I can't see it being a problem.

Your choice but I'd look for either some tighter fitting end plates personally, mine were a lot tighter fit.


Next time you come over bring your 20mm arb & end plates then we'll check the other 20mm arb I have & if thats better we'll swap for that one.



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i'll have to measure mine again, i was using one of those 'measure your trouser size' type measuring tapes courtesy of the mrs. i'll report back when ive found a proper tape measure!

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Just an update on this, got the vts arb all fitted now. Appears i made an error in measuring some how, its 22mm rather than 24mm!! I used some 306 end plates, and spaced out the arb, used an 8v headbolt spacer ground down, slotted in the end plate perfectly, hopefully its fitting central, seemed plenty of contact area on the arb so im happy, been for a test drive and all is well so far, noticeable improvement in turn in and cornering stability. Happy days, also lowered the whole car now with 306 shocks all round, handles well, got some group n beam mounts to go on next.





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yeah, it seems the saxo made do with a slimmer ARB than the Series 2 rallye and GTi 106's.


mine is in, but I think I'm going to space it over a bit more than the XU7 headbolt spacer, its not quite central, my brother picked up the 2 black bushes for me earlier :lol:

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