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Upgrading 205 To 309 Wide Track Question!

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obviously the rear beam and bottom arms, but what other parts need to come from the 309? fron arb too im guessing?


thanks in advance,



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Ideally you need the driveshafts aswell as 205 shafts can pop out on full lock, and make noises in my experience, although some people have not experienced problems using 205 shafts....... You dont NEED the ARB but its worth putting on, but only if your upgrading the rear to 24mm+ as you'll get a lot of understeer and loss of traction exiting corners with the 20mm. Worth while fitting new track rod ends also, as the tracking will need adjusting by around 10mm due to the extra track width.


Is yours a 1.6 or 1.9?? if its a 1.6 you'll need the hubs too. This will also mean new disks if you running 1.6 hubs, the calipers can stay though.

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cheers for the info. it will be a 1.9.


ive no intention of messing with the rear one so i'll leave the front arb out of the equation if it means it going to cause grief.



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quick question...what size is the standard 205 rear ARB and the standard 309 rear ARB?

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205 17 mm , 309 22 mm think . i have just put one in my 205




# ignore me didnt read your post right lol , that is the front

Edited by jplautomotive

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pesonally i would have the following


309 rear beam

309 shafts

309 wish bones

309 front ARB


then the arbs match front and rear :lol:


you need the brackets bolts and bushes on the front arb too :D


actually i have all of the above on my car :)

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It really depends what you use the car for IMO.

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It really depends what you use the car for IMO.



in your opinion what parts would you not fit?



IMO having the 309 fron ARB, which then matchs having a rear 309 ARB the car is balanced :)

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I wouldn't say not to fit any of the parts, i said it depends what you use your car for pre-dominantly, and, also to an extent your driving style, hence why that could change a decision as to whether to run 205 or 309 setup.

Edited by Baz

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Henry 1.9GTi

wouldnt bother with a 309 beam, looks way too wide and with heavily upgraded front will understeer. As with any 205 or the like upgrades rear will work wonders.


I have the 309 front set up - wishbones, drive shafts and ARB coupled with slighty harder springs and beeter dampers the front is very solid.


The rear arb makes it turn in like a dream though.


anyway I just posted a load of useless info as your running a different setup :) happy new year!



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I know one thing missing for certain...















the shell :lol::)

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Agree with James. In my opinion/experience, retain the 205 ARB unless you are significantly increasing the rear ARB rate. It does of course largely depend on driving style/preference, but in my experience it'll understeer if pushed and might suffer from traction issues spinning up the inside wheel on roundabouts/corners in the wet.


quick question...what size is the standard 205 rear ARB and the standard 309 rear ARB?

205 GTi rear ARB = 19mm. 309 GTi rear ARB = 20mm

205 GTi front ARB = 17mm. 309 GTi front ARB = 21mm


I know one thing missing for certain...


the shell :D:)

Good point. Scrap metal prices are creeping up again, so weighing it in will get a few quid :lol:

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I have a 309 rear axle but the ARB seems smaller than a 205 one?

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I have a 309 rear axle but the ARB seems smaller than a 205 one?

309 non-GTi rear ARB's are 16mm from memory and utterly useless from a performance point of view.

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And if you want a cheap 24mm rear ARB to match the 309 front find a 106 GTi/106 Rallye 1.6/Saxo 1.6 16V rear ARB. These are standard 24mm. Replace the 106 GTi rear ARB end plates by the rear ARB end plates of a 306 1.8>. Now you have a 24mm solution for your 205. :)

Edited by Francesco

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And if you want a cheap 24mm rear ARB to match the 309 front find a 106 GTi/106 Rallye 1.6/Saxo 1.6 16V rear ARB. These are standard 24mm. Replace the 106 GTi rear ARB end plates by the rear ARB end plates of a 306 1.8>. :)



that for a 205 rear beam?



i will soon see how i find the 309 front ARB as it will be on track for the first time afer fitting in a few weeks :lol:

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Yes Spiky, that's to replace your standard 205 rear ARB.


The 106 version is a couple of mm shorter, but nothing you will notice. Just to be sure my mechanic welded the end plates to the ARB. And it works. I have it on my 205 trackday racer (still in building proces), but a friend of mine (Arnold Naber) also has it fitted and already driven with it. Even more are doing this conversion in the Netherlands.


The end plates (don't know if thats the right name for them) are a bit hard to find used, so I bought those new. A 106/Saxo 24mm rear ARB is easier to find used. In the end this was a way cheaper solution as the 205 24/25mm solutions you find.


We had a 106 GTi rear ARB lying next to a 205 GTi rear ARB. As they looked the same lenght, that's how we came up with it. Than it was just a matter of making it fit.

Edited by Francesco

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shame :lol:


as i run a 309 rear beam :D


great info though :)

Edited by Spiky

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My mechanic is gonna try if the same tric wil work with a 306 GTi or a Citroen rear ARB. No results heard on that. But perhaps you can try that yourself. I believe the 306 GTi was a little bit longer as a 205 one.

Edited by Francesco

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306 is wide again than the 309, so will need to be cut, but then that reduces the spines on the ends so not a good idea :)

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great info though :lol:


Sometimes you have to be creative to stay within you're budget :).

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cheers for the info guys. i think i'll just stick with the stock 205 gear, for what im going to use the car for there doesnt really seem much point.


cheers chaps!



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And if you want a cheap 24mm rear ARB to match the 309 front find a 106 GTi/106 Rallye 1.6/Saxo 1.6 16V rear ARB. These are standard 24mm. Replace the 106 GTi rear ARB end plates by the rear ARB end plates of a 306 1.8>. Now you have a 24mm solution for your 205. :o



Interesting stuff! Do you know if the 106 quicksilver or saxo vtr share the same ARB as i know of a couple local to me??


cheers, James

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Interesting stuff! Do you know if the 106 quicksilver or saxo vtr share the same ARB as i know of a couple local to me??


cheers, James


As far as I know only the 106 GTi/106 Rallye 1.6/Saxo 1.6 16V have the 24mm rear ARB. The Quicksilver I don't know, wasn't available in the Netherlands. For the VTR, it will depend on the engine I guess, if it has a 1.6 8V you might be in luck.

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As far as I know only the 106 GTi/106 Rallye 1.6/Saxo 1.6 16V have the 24mm rear ARB. The Quicksilver I don't know, wasn't available in the Netherlands. For the VTR, it will depend on the engine I guess, if it has a 1.6 8V you might be in luck.


Very nice to know.


Me and James have a Saxo VTR, 106 Quicksilver and XSi local in the breakers, so we shall find out Friday :o

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