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Heater Blower Not Working !

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hi all, just been trying to fix the non working fan, the resistor has apparently packed up and the previous owner made a bypass, so when i touched 2 wires in the glove box it would put the fan on full blast. i just bought a resistor off ebay and replaced it, i noticed that the replacement had less pins than the one i took out (connector spade things).... so i put it in anyway ... and it doesn't work...


any ideas? ive checked all fuses and none are burnt out

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are the two wires in the glovebox put back to standard so no longer 'bypassing' the resistor?

You could have bought a dud resistor card? Or maybe the wrong one if you say there are a different number of pins (although i thought they were all the same)


Try tracing the wires and see if any are broken, not sure what else you could try??

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yeah i thought that all the cards were the same.... but there actually different by the looks of it. the replacement was 1 pin short and when i plugged it in i got no sign's of life atall, so i gave the old one a clean (connections) and put it back in, and the only sign of life i get is a clicking noise (sounds like jumping sparks) when i turn the fan knob on the dash. does this mean that ive bought the wrong resistor, and that the origional is definately FUKT?

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Where abouts is the resistor situated as i think i have the same problem



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the block with the 5 wires is the resister, the block with the 2 wires is the fan. they are both in the passinger footwell

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