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1.9 205 Runs Out Of Oomphh At Around 5thou Revs

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My pug pulls like a train up to 5,000 revs but doesnt seem to want to pull much more, what could the problem be?

I never had this problem before? i have a full magnex exhaust and manifold with a rebuilt engine 3,000miles ago

with a full head skim & polish 3angle valve seats and some slight porting. the manifold was only fitted recently

seen a difference since fitted in a good way more torque, and top end speed, well all through the gears except

when she hits 5-5.5,000revs? Any info or advice would be great an appreciated..

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Ignition not advanced enough possibley.- Ignition module/coil could be worth changing .What year 1.9 is it?

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Quite common on tired 1.9's, all the power/torque is low down as opposed to 1.6's anyway. Aswel as above, check the breather system too, one i had a while back was really struggling to pull above about 5k and when you did slog it, it pushed oil out of anywhere it could because the filler hose and breathers turned out to be blocked, sounds odd i know but seemed to cure that car a little.

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the engine was only fully rebuilt 8mnths ago, so wouldnt be tired only done about 4thousand miles

since then,had new breather pipe and all pipe work as it goes. Its just baffling?

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Surprised no one else has said it - Ignition amp.

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I said ignition module and thats the same ?

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Exhaust gasket's fitted in the correct position, sounds daft but you can get them block half the port up.

Just because the engine's been rebuilt you can't assume it's OK, I've had them in after 5k was the lowest and that was with new liners and pistons

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It's to the right of the engine bay, mounted to the engine side of the wheel arch.


Do a forum search - there is loads on this including pics of how to identify a Bosch one vs a pattern one - the Bosch ones are less likely to fail but not immune to it, certainly worth getting a Bosch one, but you need to identify first that this is the problem.

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Regarding ignition amps just wish share this info - i'm getting much more punchy acceleration and better throttle response with an "Magneti Marelli" ignition amps :) the engine seems a bit more lively , i thought that i'm imaginate this , but believe me i've tried a lot of ignition amp brands and with various coil combinations , i even bought two of these Magneti Marelli MTR01 modules for testing and they really provide around 5%-10% better results compared to the Bosch ones or Ducellier , Valeo , Lucas etc. etc. - try Marelli amp if you find one at your local scrappy ..


But , for modified engine you'll first need to re-adjust the air/fuel mixture and ignition timing (dizzy advance curve ..) in order to unleash full performance ..


Damir :P


EDIT : if you wish could try to tense the dizzy springs (only one ..) so that you can advance the timing a bit more without the danger of pinking/detonations on the low/mid revs .. if done properly you'll gain more power/torque and rock steady idle speed : http://forum.205gtidrivers.com/index.php?s...83182&st=10

Edited by DamirGTI

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