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4 Branch Fitting Problems

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hey guys,

spent all mornng fitting my new manifold off miles and its jammed up agains the side of the exhaust tunnel, i assume its designed to be off to one side to miss the gear linkage but obviously not this much,


has anyone else had any trouble and how did you fix it?

Could the engine be twisted so badly that it causing this problem?

Should i just try bend it?


and if anyone with a pic of one fitted could you post it up so i can see where it should sit





All feed back appriciated



Edited by M_R_205

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Looks like an engine twist to me. I believe SorrentoPete has an issue similar to this, so there must be something askew in your engine installations, as it's unlikely it'll be the build of the manifold/downpipe.


Pete, Mad Scientest (another Pete) and I discussed this and felt it must be the nearside/battery tray mount being 5 or maybe 10mm out of whack.


I could be wrong, but again, I'm sure the manifold is fine - I wouldn't bend it.......yet.

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loosen the 2 nuts on the gearbox mounting and give the engine a wiggle.


how old are the mountings?

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thanks for the replies, my money is also on the engine being a little twisted, the length of the manifold would exaggerate things,


the battery tray mount is old as is the drivers wing mount but the buffers and lower mount are new, i'll play with the battery tray and mount tomorrow see if that helps things. iv got some better condition mounts i'll also fit.


Is the manfold made to clear the linkage or is the engine just severly twisted??





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Everything should clear nicely. Also, the battery tray mount has captive nuts in the chassis beam which do move a tad, so there could be some room to tweak things there too.

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