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Snapped Cambelt Xu10j2te Rgy

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Is there any chance that the valves have made it? I'm changing the belt this weekend, but would be interested in your opinions.

I'm thinking, because it's the engine with a bit lower compression than the RGX there could be more clearence...?

Any thougts?

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You wont be able to know for sure untill its apart tbh.


It's like asking "do you think my tyres will stick to the road", no direct and certain response!

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You wont be able to know for sure untill its apart tbh.


It's like asking "do you think my tyres will stick to the road", no direct and certain response!

Yes i know this, but i thougt someone had experience with this exact engine.

I just have to wait and see. I will let you know. :)

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Yes i know this, but i thougt someone had experience with this exact engine.

I just have to wait and see. I will let you know. :)



Fit your new belt and see, if it misfires you have bent some valves, if it doesn't you have been lucky.

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I would take the haed off and have a look, if the belt is off thats half the job done :) .

If you have bent a valve and you fit a new belt and start it and the valve snaps you will be looking at £££££ and when you think its only £20 for a head gaskit.

If you do fit the belt turn the engine over by HAND first.

Edited by large

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You can probably get a pretty good idea if any valves are bent by checking the valve clearances - a bent valve won't close properly, and you'll have valve clearances much larger than you'd expect from normal use.


Either that, or just put another belt on it and turn it over by hand - you'll feel the compression strokes on each cylinder, and it's fairly obvious when one has low/no compression.

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What rpm were you doing when it snapped?


Autodata claims;

CAUTION: This engine has been identified as an INTERFERENCE engine in which the possibility of valve to piston damage in the event of a timing belt failure os MOST LIKELY to occur.


A compression check of all cylinders should be performed before removing the cylinder head.

Still, good luck.



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Thanks everyone!

I will turn the engine by hand before starting it. :)

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The only engine that I know is belt safe is the 105bhp 1.9 CAT engine fitted to the CTi's, Rallye's and Gentry's to name a few.

As Ant has said whip the cam cover off and see if any bucket's are sitting low, This will give you a good idea if any valves are bent but if they all return as they should and it turns over by hand OK it's worth a shot

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