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Tubular Wishbone Project

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could always undersling thew ARB is ground clearance isn't such an issue, as much room as you want then :blink:

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could always undersling thew ARB is ground clearance isn't such an issue, as much room as you want then :lol:



For rally etc I think clearance will be a big issue


See how much mine hung down at the drop links when we underslung the arb :blink:




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you wouldn't be able to bolt it underneath due to the sump guard on a rally car (IIRC all the designs I've seen attach rearwards of the ARB)



just a thought, and I haven't looked at my car so I may be wide of the mark here, but would using a shorter droplink raise the ARB sufficiently to clear the wishbone?


AFAIK the only part this would cause issues with would be the track rods, the driveshafts I think are far enough forward of the ARB not to cause any problems.

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Jeeeeez that's low! Have you actually bolted the whole thing to the underside there?


I was planning on having it in the standard position and have a short drop-link coming from that little boss on the front arm, so it would be quite close to the bottom of the wishbone. I'm hoping that it should move upwards at about the same rate as the wishbone so there shouldn't be any issues with interference. I'm working on a model of the whole assembly now so should be able to find the best way to make it fit without having to make a load of prototypes.


I don't know weather raising it will help, you might have to raise it by quite a lot to get it to clear.

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Don't forget that 4130 is going to need both pre- and post-weld heat treatment, and you need to factor in the fatigue effects on the wishbone, especially around the weld areas, where you will want twice the factor of safety over the rest of the design due to the risk of micro-cracks forming in the welds when they are being made.



T45 would be a much better bet for the tube.

Edited by Rippthrough

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Aha, yeah I overlooked that. Will T45 need to be stress relieved / heat treated after welding though?

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Aha, yeah I overlooked that. Will T45 need to be stress relieved / heat treated after welding though?


Nope, that's why I recommended it!

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Looks like your getting on really well with this cam mate.


Nice to see some positive comments about it aswel not like on the other site!




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Why not provide an alternative ARB, then you can have the wishbone exactly the shape you want.





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I don't know.. its a cool idea but it will massively increase the cost. I think it would be best to keep it simple and just focus on making the wishbones fit the standard setup.

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Capn. Pugwash

Great project Cam! Have a free bump from me :lol:


I'll be looking forward to seeing the outcome of all your hard work, hopefully in the form of a nice pair of wishbones that I can buy from you hehe!

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Thanks very much. :lol:


I haven't given up on these, just been busy trying to get my 205 back on the road so I can move house. I should have an update in the next few weeks.

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Not really.. :wacko: I'm waiting to get the subframe back off my car so I can carry on modelling the original setup and get the position of the ARB right. That way I can make sure the wishbones don't foul the ARB before building them. :lol:

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Progress at last!! :lol:

The reason for the huge delay is that I've been waiting until I could accurately measure the ARB so that I can model it and make sure that nothing will interfere. Finally I managed to get the measurements I needed using the FARO measuring arm at work. Then I got all the coordinates for the bends so its super accurate. :ph34r:


Finished model:




So with that done I could add it to my representation of the subframe, along with the standard wishbone to get it in the right place.






So I can now get back to work coming up with a suitable wishbone design that will clear everything. I should have more progress shortly. :lol:

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looking great, nice job you´ve done!! I´ll this have just one size(tickness) or thinking in making different sizes??? What i´ll be the price on this beauty???!!!!

Edited by 205freak

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Looking great, really interesting project, would be interested if you ever put them on sale.

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what a great read!!


may i ask how things are going with this project??? i`m about to start something very similar for my 106.....

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Thanks very much! :rolleyes:


I've put the project on hold so I can concentrate on my final year at uni, but I'll be continuing with it in the summer when I have spare time again!

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well the best of luck for uni.... did you finalise a material spec or is that yet to be determined???

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Thanks :rolleyes: Yeah I decided to go with T45, most likely at 1 1/8" OD. I found that Flouro (sp?) were the best for rod-ends, but Aurora may well be very good, I just haven't investigated prices.

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flouroline?? yeah i have heard of them...


being a 106 and me wanting to change the ARB design my layout is lightly different


but ive got as far as:


1 1/4 x 12swg tube

5/8th unf inboard Rj

7/8th unf underhub Rj


at the back of the wishbone (underneath footwell) there will be a machined housing holding a spherical bearing...

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Ah, yeah I've just read your project (which is very nice I should add!) so I know what you mean now.

Who makes those ones in your thread? They're very nice!

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Just read through this. Wishing i could do things like this on CAD, i'm getting there verrry slooowly.


I know that Colin Satchell already makes some bones for the taking but, it's good to see someone start fresh. You never know you might come across something he might have missed.

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