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Carb Conversion

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sick of the search function so here goes.


i am in swansea my car is in newcastle, a garage is supposed to be fitting a new engine so i can just pop back up and drive it down (i was hoping it would be fixed before i came down but time runs out quickly)


ANYWAY, the engine they are fitting is fitted with carbs, (engine is an mi16 with twin 45s, piper 280? cam on a no. 4 pulley) the mechanic is pretty clued up on pugs but has only done bike carb conversions, never had much experience with the twin 45s on my engine.


anway all has been fitted and started but he says it wont idle on its own and wont rev up but will start, he has used mi16 management as he was more comfotable with this, i wasnt sure but guessed he knew what he was doing so left him to it, i havent been able to find much on runing carbs on mi16 management all i can find is using the 8v dizzie and adapter. i bought the engine as a whole and the carbs where running fine on that engine only difference between the 2 set ups is the mi16 dizzy and a different exhaust manifold. so im thinking this could be the problem? or is the timing slightly out as it is running a number 4 pulley(im not 100% sure i know what that means)? as he had to tighten the cambelt as it was slightly loose so im guessing he timed it up in the usual fashion. is this correct?


also it has a s16 gearbox and he says my innershaft doesnt seal to it do i need a 306 innershaft? if so which ones can i use?


cant think of any other problems to list at the moment.


PLEASE help as my car never seems to go right. i was hoping to have it on the road for the swansea meet and it always seems to be one "but" after another.

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I cant see how he would use te Mi16 management to run the engine. Im not saying he couldnt but he would need to get rid of the fueling side of the setup and only use the ignition. I havent heard of anyone else going down this route, though would be intrested to hear how they have done it if they have? I personaly had a Mi16 on twin 45 Webers, at first using a Skipbrown dizzy converter and 8v ignition, though this wasnt the best for the engine, both running and power wise, I then converted the engine to a Megajolt mappable ignition system, and all was well, as you can set the ignition up to suit the engine on the rolling road, and not have to use the 8valve ignition curve.

Hope this is of intrest


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I cant see how he would use te Mi16 management to run the engine. Im not saying he couldnt but he would need to get rid of the fueling side of the setup and only use the ignition. I havent heard of anyone else going down this route, though would be intrested to hear how they have done it if they have? I personaly had a Mi16 on twin 45 Webers, at first using a Skipbrown dizzy converter and 8v ignition, though this wasnt the best for the engine, both running and power wise, I then converted the engine to a Megajolt mappable ignition system, and all was well, as you can set the ignition up to suit the engine on the rolling road, and not have to use the 8valve ignition curve.

Hope this is of intrest



well there is a dizzy converter there with the engine and dizzy but no ecu or anything else that isnt mi16, i was planning on using megajolt but i thought i may aswell get it running first one the pug stuff and then if i wasnt happy with it stick megajolt on. as the kits seem fairly cheap (just missed the second hand kit for £160 in the for sale section). im really not sure what to do.. if anyone knows of someone in the newcastle area i could get the car transferred, but these lads do seem to know there stuff.

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all you need is the dizzy adapter for an 8v dizzy and the original ignition system, pretty simple set-up to make if the wiring isn't there.


or something like Omex or DTA ignition only management to get the best out of it.


these lads do seem to know there stuff.



lol :ph34r:

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all you need is the dizzy adapter for an 8v dizzy and the original ignition system, pretty simple set-up to make if the wiring isn't there.


or something like Omex or DTA ignition only management to get the best out of it.





lol :ph34r:


lol harsh, could you explain the reason for using 8v management and not 16v?

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i think i might just get it delivered back to my parents house and put the 8v loom on myself?

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The 8v setup is not really management (well, not when you remove the fuelling from the equation), it is essentially a dizzy, coil and amp.


The 16v is dizzyless and uses a crankangle sensor to determine its position, and if im honest i really cant see how it'll work on this system.


I'd defo as a minimum ditch it and go 8v setup, ideally switch over to Megajolt as you have mentioned. PeterT has put a binary base map on here so getting it to work would probably be quicker and much more effective than the road you're going down imo.


Just my two-penneth buddy. :ph34r:

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8v ignition works totally separately to the injection system, just a weighted vacuum capsuled dizzy, so all you need is the dizzy, coil and amp.


Mi16 receives input from TPS and crank sensor to determine the ignition advance (AFM has an effect as well I believe) so far from straightforward to make it work.

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i guess megajolt it is.

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not that i really have any idea what i'm talking about but....


if it starts and idles but won't rev, then it might be down to the throttle position switch (which is a switch not a sensor) needing to open to tell the ecu that the engine is not at idle it's being reved..


try opening that switch first when running the engine before you ditch a perfectly good mapped ignition system and go back to dizzy... or spend money on megajolt

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any ideas on the driveshaft problem from the search all i can find is having to change the diff etc, but stuf already had this running on his car with 309 driveshafts. stuF also said that the gearbox engine mount may need to be swapped for a longer one, could this be the reason the innershaft isnt sealing into the gearbox?

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spoke to the mechanic today and he seemed adamant that it doesnt need the TPS, so i'll just leave him to it, if it doesnt work i guess im not paying? he did say "thats how hydro(or maybe hiflow?) heads do theres"


any help on the drive shaft problem would be good, he seems to think i need an mi16 passenger side innershaft

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on the driveshaft, quite likely if it was a fairly late car.


it will certainly need something in the system to give a load reading (i.e the TPS), otherwise it'll be on a fixed advance figure, not the best for power and smooth running.


depends how soon you want the car running, an afternoon fitting the old 8v stuff or the complete Mi16 induction and management would be my choice, not trying to make a system do what it wasn't designed to do.

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