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Just Put My Gti Together And Its Great!

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On my cheapo ebay special, having sorted my suspension out with GpA subframe mounts, 306 gti6 front struts and rear dampers and new Peugeot wishbone bushes, it was time to sort out the engine.


I had a problem when using thick oil (25w50), the oil pressure would drop when hot and revved hard and when using thinner oil (10w40), it would blow blue smoke after 15 mins of hard driving. There were a couple of other niggling problems too that needed sorting.


So, off came the head! As it was lifted off, the gasket just disintegrated. I guessed that was the source of some of the problems.

Thus, a full decoke and refurb took place;

head skim, new gaskets, ultrasonically cleaned injectors, new cambelt, replaced nuts/bolts where necessary, cleaned everything and put it all back together.


I started it tonight, bled the coolant, and checked it all out. It runs beautifully, with a real urgency to the throttle. It used to cough slightly when nailed and now it just picks up smoothly. I refilled using 10w40 oil and there is no smoke at all. After a good run I checked the compression and where previously they read between 180 and 190psi, each pot now reads over 200psi! Not bad for a 171k engine.


I also adjusted the metal-bushed gear linkage to perfection. It is now ready for some action, just in time for my Alfa to start playing silly buggers.


Sorry for the banal post, but I'm just so excited to get my baby going again.

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its great when they are working!

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Good job! :D

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Well done, you must be very pleased.

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