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Renewal Of Fuel Lines

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Hello All,


Basicly I have a fuel leak on my GTi-6, I've brought a new fuel filter from Anthony (Cheers) and all I need now is some hose and fitting's.


I know the fuel rail is 10mm feed and 8mm return but im unsure on the conection on the fuel filter, anyone know? Are they BSP threads?


I want to get the hose/fittings from http://www.earls.co.uk/earls/


Also, on the return from the fuel rail, it connects with the line on the underside of the car, is this just a push fitting?





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from memory it was M12, but you could just use the old Banjo bolt and save a fiver :rolleyes:


I looked into this, but its a bloody expensive way to do it so I just used a 405 Filter.

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best way to do it is banjo off the top of filter then push fit onto fuel rail with a hose finisher, then on the ruturn you will have to use hose finishers on both end as its a push fitting on both ends, you will need -6 hose. You can get hard line fittings where you can put a fitting on fuel rail or any of the hard lines then fit the hose fitting to that. This is a pukka way of doing it but is costly from places like earls and goodrick etc

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