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Lifters/followers: Are Mi16 And S16 Interchangeable?

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Hi guys,


Im looking for a set of lifters to recondition for the Mi, and wondered if the S16 were of any use?


If anyone's got a set or a cheap complete head drop me a pm. :angry:

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AFAIK Mi16 and S16 lifters are identical - the two heads are very closely related.

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yep its the same part number as the XU10J4 block (S16) and also the 8v 2.0 turbo lump & XU7JP4 (1.8i?), tbh its seems a common art across a number of engines


part no. 0942 30



Edited by M@tt

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...also the 8v 2.0 turbo lump, tbh its seems a common art across a number of engines

How does that work then, as aren't 2.0 8v Turbo's solid lifters like other XU 8v engines, whereas Mi16/S16 are hydraulic? :angry:

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Hmm.. That part number is defo for an Mi16 lifter, but at £20 a piece i think ill try reconditioning a set first.. :angry:


Im just hoping i havent got a bent valve thats tapping, i was convinced it was a lifter till i started reading things on here... :lol:


If i wanted to rebuild an S16 head and fit that to the Mi, whats involved?

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sorry my bad i misread the engine code, its the INJECTION XU10J4 OR TURBO INJECTION XU10J4TE which have the same as mi16. So NOT hte 8v turbo which is XU10J2TE

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Stu, the Mi16 exhaust manifold won't fit the S16 head.

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Yeah i thought that, i wondered how much grief it would be to use the S16 mainfold and mod my downpipe.. again.. :rolleyes:

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