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Starting Problems

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Following on my last post, I'm having issues with my car starting and cutting out randomly. Quite hard to explain so its going to be long post detailing whats happened - sorry!


After fitting second hand engine been driving car with no starting issues for nearly a month


Monday night - didnt start

Saturday - still didnt start. Checked that fuel getting to engine- fine. Took off dizzy cap, refitted, checked terminals on coil - still nothing. No spark on spark plugs when took one out. Changed dizzy cap to old one I had lying around (cap 2) still nothing.


Replaced lead from dizzy cap to coil (lead) with timing lamp - fires up and idles perfectly. Left it running for a while and it cut out. Restarted fine and idled but if revved the engine cut out again. Tried to move car and there did seem to be a random pattern of it cutting out under load. Managed to get it moved off grass to driveway.


Swapped timing lamp with lead and it fired up first time, but still had same cutting out issues.


Then put Cap 1 on with lead - didnt start. Cap 1 with timing lamp - fired up. Cap 1 with lead - fired up. Still cutting out randomly though.


So before I go and replace unnecessary parts - what could be causing this? Coil?





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Are you sure the dizzy-coil lead isn't shorting on the battery earth?! Can be a problem on GTi's with the coil on the n/s strut.



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Swap the ignition amp and coil with some spare in known good working order and see if it gets any better :rolleyes: (but one at a time so that you know if was bad ignition amp or the coil .. and don't forget to apply thermal transfer paste on the ignition amp prior to refitting)


If none of the above doesn't fix the problem check the dizzy signal cable (the one which goes from the dizzy to the ignition amp connector .. black cable with yellow 3pin connector on the end.. check ignition amp connector as well) , and check/replace the fuel pump relay (tachymetric relay) with some good un ..



Damir :lol:

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have you checked the relay thats bolted next to the ecu? i remeber i once unkowingly shorted two wires and it wouldnt start afterwards and turned out to be that relay( cost me a wad to replace too!)

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Fuel is getting to the engine but is it sufficient?, fuel starvation possibly causing the engine to cutting out. Might be worth changing the fuel filter.

Edited by luggy

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