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205 Rallye

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hi, just joined just a few questions on the 205 rallye is the box they come with any good as mine seems really long geared which is not what i expected as being a ex 106 rallye owner the box on them is far from long.


is the engine easy to tune i have a vtr engine in the shed if it would be better off putting that in i wouldnt mind a euro spec engine but i cant find any and funds are low at the moment but could be a future purchase any help would be appreciated cheers Stefan.

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UK 205 rallyes are pretty crap as standard to be honest.


Really long ratio box and a 75bhp iron block engine, XS engine and box drop straight in and give 85bhp as standard, 20kg less and a really nice short ratio box.

Edited by Jrod

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ah i thought the box was really long might just save for a euro engine and get a ax gt box or xs.

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  custard-rallye said:
ah i thought the box was really long might just save for a euro engine and get a ax gt box or xs.


The problem with getting a Euro engine is finding one!

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just fit a 106 rallye one...

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Yeah get an xs/gt box the 106 rallye one is good but its not worth paying £100+ for a 2nd box which you know has been ragged..

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i have a spare vtr engine in the shed but cant be bothered with the wiring could use the bottom end i guess anybody done it before?

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