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Mi16 Running Problems

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I have just fitted a 1.9 mi16 :) . Got the car through the M.O.T. yesterday took it to work last night and back home a round trip of about 32 miles a befor this about another 60 with no problems. Today I go and take the car over my mates, on the way i misses a couple of times but no big deal give it a bit of revs all ok. I pull up at my mates and its ticking over at 2k :D . Turn it off then back on tick over 1k :lol: After a cup of tea we take it for a blast B) all going well then it starts to miss again but revs look to clear it at this point we come head to head with 50 sheep so pull in and turn the car off. Go to start it back up turns over but will not start got spark and fuel but it will not fire :blink: . Managed to get it started by bumping it in 2nd when being towed. Now the car idels at 2k and looks as if it is running rich under 4k (missing badly). However sometimes the revs drop off at idle and the car will not restart not until you bump it on tow.

Sorry agout the length off this I am just trying to give all the info. :D

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Immediate reaction is dodgy AFM. Do a 1 for 1 swap first with a known good one, and if it fixes the issue you can either replace permanently or refurb/retrack your current one.


That's where I would start, together with basics like check king lead (coil pack to dizzy centre), connection to coil, connection to ignition amp. These can all be popped off, cleaned out with WD40, wiped and put back one at a time.


See how you get on.

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As above... plus make sure the ECU temp sensor plug hasn't become disconnected.



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I'd agree about the AFM (although not sure about the high idle - would think it would have to have an air leak, sticky throttle butterfly or dodgy ICV to make it idle high, as it needs the extra air as well as fuel). When my AFM went, it started idling really badly a few days before, then went completely and wouldn't run at all due to over fuelling. When I took the AFM off, the flap was jammed open! After that it was kaput as the spring tension was all wrong.

Edited by GLPoomobile

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16v loom or 8v??

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Sorry 16v loom and management.

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ECU temp sensor, Is that the plug that is by the stat?

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blue plug on a 1.9, same as the 8 valver.

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Right, I just had a look at a blue 2 pin plug on the stat ( I think its the ecu temp :) ). Joy of joys i found that the plug conector with the green wire on (all wires that go to the ecu are green :) ) had come half way out of the plug.


What i have now found is that with the wire in the plug the enegine runs like a bag of crap, with the that plug removed all is well no problems.


So my next question, what the hell does the ecu temp sensor do (apart from tell the ecu the engine water temp ;) ).

I think i have some sort of idea but not 100%.

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Another question sorry ;) are the sensors interchangeable between an 8v and Mi?


I tested the old one in the car with a warm engine and was getting 500K ohm then tested one out off an 8v, 2k when cold put it into a cup of hot water and it droped to 500 ohms. Now 500K is alot more or less open circuit, it may just be me but i cant see alot of difference between 500k and pulling the plug off (open circuit).

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the blue sensor is the same between 8v and 1.9 mi ;) check the Bosch part number on the side :)

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Hey that was well spotted by the forum (especially Nick) and you. The ECU needs a water temp, so you'd best make sure you have a working sensor. You can't really run without it, even though you you're seeing better (than crap) results with it disconnected.


And don't make poor old Merion (sp?) aka Welshpug write again that 8v and Mi sensors are the same please. ;)

Edited by DrSarty

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Part No's are not the same :) . F*ck it i stuck it in any way and its running ;) .

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And don't make poor old Merion (sp?) aka Welshpug write again that 8v and Mi sensors are the same please. ;)


Why! Has he something better to do other than help half wits like me :D .


Seriously, Thanks all for the help :)


DrSarty when you come down we wil have to show you what we do to sheep, then think of that next time you are having a lamb dinner! :)

Edited by large

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