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Guest Pingo

Inaccurate Fuel Gauge - 205 Gti

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Guest Pingo

Hi. First post here B)


Is this normal behavior for a 205 GTi:

Yesterday when I got home the tank was 1/4 full. Today when I turned the engine on it showed there was half a tank.

The fuel gauge is in general very inaccurate.


Is this normal, or is there some way to fix it?


Also when the needle reaches the little "R" on the gauges.. does it mean it is running on the reserve tank?


Thanks in advance



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Hello! Yes the fuel guage does tend to fluctuate somewhat wildly, especially when you get to the last 1/3 of a tank. I know from mine once the light comes on that means there is 13-14 litres left, which is quite a bit. Obviously road camber and hills can affect the reading markedly, but its one of those things you get used to. I always consider it a pessimistic guage as there is often more in there than it lets on.


Jimi B)

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Generally most 205's I've owned or driven have had fuel gauges that are laughably inaccurate with less than a third of a tank, often showing randomly between empty and half a tank. Normally sort themselves out when you're getting low on petrol though, and typically the fuel light starts flickering when you've about 8-9 litres remaining and comes on solid around 5 litres remaining.


There isn't a reserve tank as such - I've always taken R to mean Refuel. The needle will normally drop slightly past R before the light comes on.

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Guest Pingo

That makes sense. I have just got the car this weekend so I'm still getting to know it.

I don't really take it as a problem then.. More like charming aspect of the car B)


Thanks for the quick replys guys!

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