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Windscreen - Bronze V Clear

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I'm trying to source a replacement windscreen, and I've found 1 in a scrap yard but it is clear from an SDT(?).


Is there a noticeable difference between tinted and the clear screen?




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£60 new & fitted from auto glass

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They quoted £109 or was that autowindscreens. I'll call them.


£237 with Autoglass if I get the car to them. £360ish for them to come and do it at home or work.


£80 for a local firm from the yellow pages.

Edited by Masekwm

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There isn't a massive difference between clear and bronze but when you fit the screen it will stand out quite a lot as the rest of the glass is bronze as well. If you have a National Windscreens near you give them a ring for a supply only price as they are usually quite good.



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auto glass is a franchise i believe, that'll be the difference in price

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