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Just A Last Couple Of Questions For The Conversion.

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Well the conversion is more or less complete as it now starts and sort of drives. Just one problem, i can sort it out but i just wanted to know if there is a better way of going about it than the way i am.


The problem is that at the moment i can only get 2nd 4th 6th & reverse due to when i try to put it into 1st 3rd & 5th the gear linkage rod, the one that goes from the stick to the swively bit ( dunno the proper name ) on the subframe hits the exhuast .


The way i was going to go about this is take the swively bit off, cut it in half and then weld a bit into the middle so im extending it by about an inch so it avoids the exhuast.


I was just wondering if anyone else has come accross the problem and is there a better way to go about it ?


Lastly is an airfilter question, when i bought the engine it came with a ripspeed induction kit but theres hardly any space to fit it so i have just used the k&n i had on the 205 origanily, its just that someone said that due to the size the k&n would be resrtictive.




Personally i think the k&n will be ok, just wondering what the general opinion is ?


Cheers, Les.

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Not sure about the gear linkage but did you change the gear slector arm on the gearbox for a 205 one? I think a few people have had clearance issues with them so you'll have to wait for someone else who knows to reply.


As for the air filter, can't you push the battery further back on the tray & fit the new one directly to the throttle body?



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It may be the same issue as with the Mi16 boxes in that you have to swap the selector arm for the original 205 BE one.

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I had the same problem with the gear linkage, ended up just taking it off and beating the s*it out of it untill it fitted and welding the connection rods from this to the GB to fit .

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