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Guest Cap

Oil Pressure Drops When Warm

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Guest Cap

Hello, recently ive noticed that by the time i arrive to work (7 mile drive) my oil pressure has dropped to just one bar of pressure when idle, as soon as i set off it will rise to around 3 bars


Car is a 1991 205 gti 1.9


Any ideas what the problem could be?


cheers for any help



Edited by Cap

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That sounds perfectly normal, even allowing for the (in)accuracy of the standard guage.


As oil gets warm it also get thinner so the pressure is going to drop, just as long as it rises when you rev the engine & the low oil pressure lights aren't glwoing (even faintly) you should be fine.



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Henry Yorke

Sounds about the norm. Oil pressure does drop as the oil warms and thins. Also the pressure senders can be a bit dodgy over time. If it ws really bad, a light would come one as that comes from a different sender unit

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Guest Cap

thanks a lot, was just getting worried as i hadnt noticed it drop that low before.

thanks again :rolleyes:

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mine does same mate just over 3/4 when warm and then dops to 1 on idle and then about half to 3/4 ( depending on how your driving )

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