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Whilst My Head Is Off...

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I'm currently in the process of removing the head from my 1.9 gti. It won't get ported or anything, just a good standard tidy up. Here is a list of jobs I intend to do, can anyone add anything else I should whilst I'm down there (oo-er!)


- head clean;

new seals

valve stem oil seals

valves lapped in

valve clearances checked

new head bolts


water pump

aux belt


- Injectors refurbed.

- SAD sorted out with new temp sensor.

- new connector on oil pressure sender.

- new reverse light switch.

- general clean and tidy up of pipes, cables etc.


Anything else?





Edited by macaroni

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If your looking for more power, maybe spend out on a petert cam, other than that, not sure what else you could do.

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Sounds like you have it covered if your going for a standard overhaul?. :)



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I donno if it is applicable for this engine but maybe a compression check for the head. Check for the springs length.

New thermostat

Good luck

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I'd replace the Cylinder Liner Seals after checking the Liner protrusion.


Valve clearances will need re-shimming if the valves have been lapped in.


- SAD sorted out with new temp sensor.


not sure what you mean by that, the SAD simply has 12v supplied to it on an Ignition switched live, no temperature sensors in the Idle control system.

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Rob Thomson

Personally I'd be much happier leaving the liners well alone, but only if you're sure they haven't moved while you've had the head off.


What about a very light skim of the head to make sure it's nice and flat? Probably cost you ~£50 but a good assurance against gasket problems.

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Personally I'd be much happier leaving the liners well alone, but only if you're sure they haven't moved while you've had the head off.


What about a very light skim of the head to make sure it's nice and flat? Probably cost you ~£50 but a good assurance against gasket problems.


It's a must ! always skim the head when ever you take it off the engine because of the blown head gasket or something else you need to repair inside the engine :)

(apart from overheating the head bolt clamping force also has an effect on the head flatness - it'll stretch when you fully tight the head bolts ... you can notice this when you initially adjust the valve clearances on the table with the head removed from the engine , and then check/measure the clearances after the head is refitted back on the block an fully tightened - the clearances will close up to 00.10 - 0.15mm on each valve !)


Damir B)

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Thanks for the advice guys.


Its a standard job, not looking for any tuning work.

Welshpug, there is a blue electrical connector screwed into the SAD, what is that for if not to aid the operation of the SAD?


I forgot about having to the re-shim the valve clearances after lapping the valves in, I was hoping to avoid that as they are pretty much bang on as is.


I was also hoping not to skim the head. I don't know how many skims it has had already and it isn't leaking nor has it overheated. I will check for flatness and hope for the best!





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SAD has a black connector not blue, Blue is the ECU temperature sender.


nothing at all to do with the SAD, it's screwed into a water housing or on later cars the thermostat housing itself.

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OK, I didn't realise the SAD was actually separate from that water housing.


I got the head off and the gasket just disintegrated! I guess it needed doing...

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