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Stop Light + Water Coolant Intermittent Problems? 1.9 1991 205

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Under fairly hard acceleration the coolant light comes on? I swear there's enough coolant?


Also, I don't know if this problem is related but under hard cornering / braking the stop light comes on, along with the oil pressure light?


1991 1.9 205 Standard


Is this something to be worried about,


I am very grateful for any advice.



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Check your oil and coolant!

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yep if your sure you have enough coolant check the oil.


i had to much in mine when i picked it up so had same issue

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check the connection to the temp switch that activates the coolant warning light on the dash.

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Common phase2 trait tbh, more like a 'throttle on' light... :wacko:

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thanks guys, I'll let you know

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Like Baz suggests, its very common on the phase 2 cars with the black expansion tank for the coolant light to flicker on hard acceleration.


Careful routing of the HT leads usually sorts it as the low water level sensor is in the base of the tank it picks up interference from the HT leads which puts the dash light on.


With regards to the oil pressure lights, also check the condition of the connectors & wires to the brown multiplug (try a search for more info) as these can throw up little things such as this simply due to age.



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Like Baz suggests, its very common on the phase 2 cars with the black expansion tank for the coolant light to flicker on hard acceleration.


Careful routing of the HT leads usually sorts it as the low water level sensor is in the base of the tank it picks up interference from the HT leads which puts the dash light on.


With regards to the oil pressure lights, also check the condition of the connectors & wires to the brown multiplug (try a search for more info) as these can throw up little things such as this simply due to age.


Quality post Graham! :-)

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Re the low coolant light - take the sensor out of the bottom of the expansion tank and clean it up - this was the cause for mine, exactly how you are describing.

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fixed the problems, thanks for all your help.


Turns out I managed to overfill the water!

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