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Gti6 Manifold And Tb On Mi16

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What's the radiator clearance like with the GTI6 inlet?

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The hiccup could be a very slight air leak. Mine idles very oddly now, and is quite jerky at small throttle openings, which I'm 99% positive is down to a big air leak (manifold not quite sealed to the head properly).

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The hiccup could be a very slight air leak. Mine idles very oddly now, and is quite jerky at small throttle openings, which I'm 99% positive is down to a big air leak (manifold not quite sealed to the head properly).

I can put up with a slight hiccup, it's 10 times better than it was before. Just want the idle speed sorted. Ill go round with my smoke pencil and see if I can find a leak at some point.


What's the radiator clearance like with the GTI6 inlet?

Better than with the Mi16 manifold. Not alot, maybe 10-15mm. Also it clears the slam panel rather than the edge of the throttle mecahnism fouling it slightly.

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