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Mating Pull Type Helix Clutch Onto Push Type Td Box.

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I've searched for hours but don't seem to be able to find what I'm looking for.


I have a Helix clutch with a pull type release bearing, and I'm trying to fit a TD box with what appears to be a push type arm (although it doesn't have the release bearing on the input shaft like I thought it would have?)


I would like to keep the clutch so don't want to fit a Mi clutch so can just the arm be changed to operate as a pull type?


I can get up photos if its not clear what I'm on about!



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I take it you have an XU10 215mm clutch if its a Pull type unit.


you'll need to fit the pull type cross shaft, release arm, and cable bracket to work the pull type clutch, unsure if these will fit the 205 box, they may well do if its a BE3.

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XU10 yes, don't know the clutch size though. It is a Be3, where can I get the pull type stuff from? It had a 6 box fitted before if this is any help?




Edited by huzzer

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have you got a picture of the clutch arm? looks like a 306/405/406 TD box in which case it should go straight on.


if the box does have pull type arm and bracket you need to remove the arm to get the cross shaft fingers to slide in behind the release bearing.


good idea to replace at least the 2 nylon bushes at top and bottom of the shaft.

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Thanks Welshpug.


I have just seen a picture on ebay of a TD box and it appears to have a bracket at the front which would indicate the cable comes up or down from the front which means it is a pull type????


This is my box which doesn't appar to have this bracket. Can get a clearer pick if needs be.


Edited by huzzer

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looks like your bracket is missing, pull type clutches still have the cable coming from the rear over the top, but instead of the outer cable sitting in a fixed position its attached to the arm, and the inner cable is fixed to the bracket.


basically check the gti6 box, if it was fitted with a pull type clutch the bracket should be on it and swap that onto the TD box.


not the best pic but shows the cable attached -




edit; better pic :)



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I've got an S16 box downstairs which was a pull clutch fitted & from a few cursory glances I can't see why it couldn't be used with the normal 205 cable & as a push type clutch with nothing being changed.


The arm in the gearbox where the release bearing fits looks the same but I've yet to try & see if a Be3 push type release bearing fits it.



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Ahhh!! All makes sense now, Thanks very much for the help, now all I need is the pull bracket, anyone??

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Bl00dy hell!! Just been trying to mate them up. What a nightmare! How the hell are you supposed to get the fork behind the release bearing??


Any tips??

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have you taken the Clutch arm off?

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Have tried but the bloody thing wont come off. i have managed to knock it round so that the forks are sticking straight out. I even managed to hook them behind the bearing but something was stopping it from going on so had to abort after lots of sweating!

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You need to take the arm off by removing that pin, This is odd as I;ve never had any problems with these yet!! but in the recent month's I have seen and read lot's of issues with that pin.

I have got one of those bracket's, Was in for scrap but if you need it you can have it for P&P

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Thanks Miles, Yes will take the bracket please.


I have got the pin out of the shaft but the arm will not come off the shaft, its seems to be corroded on there. All my tools and pullers are in Oz unfortunately. Smacking it with a hammer doesn't seem to work either!

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