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Reasons For Injectors Not Firing

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I have been attempting to start the engine on my rally car for the 1s time since re-fitting but am having trouble with the injectors not firing.


It has 12v at the injector plugs, produces a good spark, fuel pump is pumping (not stopping though for some reason...), engine turning over fine, etc but plugs are dry and when removed injectors are not firing.


What things could cause this to happen?




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ECU not plugged in?


or bad connection at the coil, wire 112 IIRC which gives the RPM signal to instrument cluster and Wire 1B goes to the ECU from the same pin of the cluster.

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Fuel delivery? Feed/return pipes mixed?

Edited by Sandy

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Also check all the pins in each of the connectors for the injectors are located properly, when refitting one a while back one of the pins pushed back through into the waterproofing and shorted on the other wire, causing the injectors not to fire!

should have +12v on one side and 0v on the other of the pin.

Edited by Pug_Power_Dave

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Well It's running...only on 2 cylinders (3&4) but it's a start. It turns out I had the plug leads in the wrong order...


I didn't have time to properly investigate why the 2 injectors aren't working but I expect they're blocked as the resistance in all injectors is the same and the feeds are all giving +12v.

Will one side of the injector plugs only give 0v when turning the engine over? They give 12v on both sides with just the ignition on.


Cheers for the help, nearly there!

Edited by stuart

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Pretty sure they should give +12v and 0 with just the ignition on, not turning over, as think i remember that it pulses the earth to make the injectors fire. i'll have a test on mine later when i get a chance and confirm for you!

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Swap the injector plugs around to see if the other two fire alone (assuming this is the 1.6 in sig) will let you know if it's not a problem with the injectors themselves.I seem to get a lot of problems with plug leads that separate inside when pulled off so not feeding anything to the plug (esp if you buy from H******s)

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Well it's firing on all cylinders now, not that smoothly but I'm getting somewhere.


I took the injectors out that weren't working and soaked them in petrol and then gave them a blow out with an air line and it seems to have cleared them out a bit.


I've checked the plugs though and the ones in the cylinders that have the injectors that I cleaned are very wet in comparison to the other 2.


I think I need to give all the injectors a proper clean so they all flow properly, anyone have any recommendations for how to do this or should I just put some fuel system cleaner in?




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I think I need to give all the injectors a proper clean so they all flow properly, anyone have any recommendations for how to do this or should I just put some fuel system cleaner in?




Get them ultrasonically cleaned/re-conditioned :blush:


I've used this place a few times,very good service.



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