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Fuel Line - Rubber Hose From Filter To Metal Pipe Connector

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Thought I'd post this so anyone who reads this might avoid making the same mistake as me.


Having removed my filter ages ago, and deciding I was going to replace the hoses with braided fuel line, I needed to disconnect the rubber supply hose from it's connection at the metal pipe. Half the problem being it's half way down the bulkhead, and space is practically non existent with a 16v engine in the way.


When you look down from the top, you see two 14mm end fittings, one on the rubber hose and a bigger (still 14mm but longer) one on the metal pipe obviously.


Now, and this is where I went wrong, I assumed that the lower one would be fixed to the metal pipe, and that the upper one would be the one that you have to unscrew along with the rubber hose attached to it. I struggled for ages with that little f***er, then gave up. That was months ago :D:blink:


So I recently stuck s*it loads of Plusgas on it, thinking that would help. But no. My 14mm spanners were not a tight fit on it (cheap spanners) and al I was succeeding in doing was rounding the end fittings.


Today I won :) I did the logical thing (why didn't I think of this months ago?) and sliced the banjo off the hose so I could slide a ring spanner over it and down on to the fitting. With that in place, and another 14mm spanner wedged in against the block, I was able to free the little s*it. Take that you swine! :P


And that's when I found out...................it's not the top fitting you turn, it's the bottom one! ;) The bottom fitting unscrews down the metal pipe, and then you have to pull the rubber hose and it's fitting off the metal pipe (I had to use mole grips to yank the bugger off).


So there you go. Don't be a pleb like me if you have to do this ;)

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So you're a pleb and a cxnt now!!! :blink:;) I feel sorry for you as it is a bugger when you think you have come up with the it's to good to be true senarios, to then discover it was to good to be true. However you can take comfort in knowing you brought a smile to my face.





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What's too good to be true? You're being far too cryptic for my pleb mind to understand!

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