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Faulty Rear Indicator

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The front and sides work fine and all 3 work fine on the passenger side, just the driver's side rear indicator doesn't work.


I have buzzed out the wire from the driver's side to the passenger's side and all is good. I have buzzed from the rear to the hazard switch, but there is no connection for the driver's side.


My next step was to try and work out where the wire goes when it moves down the side of the car. From the Haynes circuit diagrams I can see it stops at the fuse box and then goes to the hazard switch and the rotary switch on the steering column.


Does anybody have a diagram / picture showing which connector is which on the fuse board to help me track the wire down?


I suspect I have a broken wire somewhere between the fuseboard and the back of the car. How easy is it to get at the loom that runs along the passenger side of the car?





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Labelled fusebox




Thanks Graham, after some hunting I found one of your posts with this in last night.


Once I have buzzed this out and assuming that the wire is broken between the fusebox and the rear cluster, how are the wires routed inside the car?


Does the loom go under the carpet or up above the doors or along the top of the sills? I have had a search for rear speaker installations, but couldn't find anything that had a piccy.





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Under the carpet usually.



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it goes along the exhaust tunnel on the left side, under the seat, then across to the side of the car and up along the inner arch, then through into the arch and down to the left hand rear cluster.


from there it goes across to the right hand side.

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It turns out after I buzzed the wire out to the fusebox and it was ok, that I was being a numpty!


I had removed the bumper and disconnected the reverse light for better access and when I had fitted my new wires to sort out the earthing problem I originally ad, I had transposed the reverse light and the indicator.


Swapped them over and all is now sorted. No more electrical tape insulation and dodgy earths on my cut and shut rear loom now, hopefully a new MOT certificate in the next couple of weeks.





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