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Fix For Leaking Sunroof

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I got my 205 ... all was lovely apart from the fact that the sunroof leaked, everytime i pulled the release on the sunroof, loads of water came out.


So ... i kinda worked out that the leak from from the handle, with the in mind i took the handle off to find that the fabric washers has totally perished.


So ... a couple of dowty washers later ... leak fixed !!



Just have a check to see if the leak is from the handle, if so, nip to your local hardware shop and get yourself some dowtys ...


I hope this helps anyone





be careful not to over tighten the handle though, the dowty washers are metal with a rubber inner rim, thats the sealing surface, if you go too tight you may crack the sun roof glass. i guess replacement fabric washers would also suffice as a replacement sealant.

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or a touch of bathroom sealant like many 205s ive seen lol!!

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I replaced my sunroof trim last week and with the weather being as wet as it has the last two days I have twice had to empty my interior light of water and various amphibians and fishes :lol:


The trim that fell off still had two broken lugs wedged under the pair of bolts. They wouldnt come out they just spun in the hole. So I removed the trim wedged under the bolts, bad move, then trimmed a bit off my sunroof. It is now like a watering can. Pisses all over me when I turn left. Grr. I've got my own solution a dab of Silicone. Just as soon as it stops raining :P

Edited by jimistdt

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i had the same problem in my 205 the water drains down the bolts that hold the handle in place and when you open the handle the water falls into the car. Took it apart and the washers were shot repalced the washers and put a bit of sealant in there for good measure and hasnt leaked since which is quite handy with all the bad weather we've been having.

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I replaced my sunroof trim last week and with the weather being as wet as it has the last two days I have twice had to empty my interior light of water and various amphibians and fishes :D


Interior light is probably due to your ariel leaking. Mines doing the same!

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