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Rob Turbo

2.0 8v Turbo Spluttering

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Rob Turbo

A few months ago the 306 would splutter (misfire, pop and bang, lose power) if I booted it, it would be ok at first then as the revs got higher it would start playing up, but if I backed off then nailed it again (within a split second) it would be fine and carry on accelerating no bother, this only happened a few times then stopped and hasn't been a problem until now.


Yesterday, after having a play in the engine bay moving things about, I put a pipe the wrong side of a wire, without noticing, took it for a spin, about 5-10 minutes into my journey it started cutting out randomly, the wire was a live to the ecu and had been pulled away from it's connector but was being held in place by the pipe, so now and again it would loose contact, shutting down the ecu, after I found this problem, re-connected it out of the way of the pipe all was well, for a few minutes, now the spluttering is back, all the time, I can't boot it at all without it spluttering, backing of and nailing it again doesn't help this time either!


I've checked all the wires in the bay and nothing is shorting/loose or anything, I've tried a few different ignition amps, all the same problem, checked the plugs, all good, the only things I can think of now are the ht leads, they were new when I put the engine in but are cheap jobbies (only ones I could get from the motorfactors and even these needed to be ordered in) I've had to re-crimp the ends back on 2 of them but that was ages ago and the problem has only just started. The other possibility is the coil pack, I trapped a ht lead boot against the ecu box and shorted the coilpack out so had to put my spare on, which is god knows how old, I kept it off the original 1.4 engine that was in the car when I got it, so I suppose it could have died of old age.


Could either of these cause the problem I'm having?




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