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Which 205 Clutch

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just after a bit of advice, .


i have a old guy (bp clutches) whom has supplied me with clutches at great prices for years , £35ish, they are refurbed but i have never had one of them let me down, however i wanted to double check to see if any one knows of any issues with 205's are they particually sensitive to certain clutches etc or would you say i should be fine using one of his.

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Personally i wouldnt use a refurbed clutch, but if youve never had any problems with the ones you've been supplied with then its up to you. I've always used Valeo clutches myself for a standard car. I wouldn't say 205's are sensitive to any makes, but like anything generally, you get what you pay for.

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Im the same, i wouldnt use a refurbed clutch, but then i never have so i may be missing a trick!


Just put LUK kit from GSF in mine, seems very good quality, no issues fitting. £70 ish

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sorry to hijack this thread. i too am looking for a new clutch and i've seen a clutch on ebay called made by techniclutch i think




anybody used these? or heard anything good/bad about them?

my car is only standard so i dont realy need this but at £80ish its no more expensive than a normal clutch is it? i have heard good things about valeo clutches, how much and where is the best place for these?





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my car is only standard so i dont realy need this but at £80ish its no more expensive than a normal clutch is it? i have heard good things about valeo clutches, how much and where is the best place for these?

At £81 its over £5 more expensive than a LUK or Valeo clutch from GSF so I@d get the tried & tested clutch from them rather than one off ebay.



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