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Race Engine Advise

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Not posted on here for some time (seeing as i sold my Mi twin 45'd 205 a couple of years ago) but i need some advise and wondered if any of you guys knew much about 2 strokes.

I now race a Formula 1X hovercraft in the british championships. The only limitation on the class is that the thrust engine must be air cooled, and it muct be no larger than 500cc, 2 stroke or 750cc 4 stroke. Straight away, 2 stroke is the way forward due to weight. I currently run a Rotax 503 twin cylinder engine made for microlight use, which is built for reliability and only produces 49 BHP factory. I am looking for an alternative, maybe a MotoX engine, up to 500cc that will replace the one i am using currently. I am looking for aroung 80BHP to give me a bit of an edge, but any advance on 49 would be a bonus. All suggestions and advise gratefully accepted. Thanks is advance.


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Dont beleive i spelt advice wrong, what a spanner! but still.... noone got anything to throw in??

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Hi, back when i used to race motorcrossers i think i remember the Kawazaki KX500 being the quickest thing down the straights, pissing all over the other 500's. Might be something to look in to

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Blast from the past! Hello mate, sorry i didn't get back to you about that race a while back, totally slipped my mind!


Things alright? how you doing in the world of hovercrafts? is there a leaderboard or something we can check out?

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http://www.hovercraft.org.uk/results-08/seasontables.htm is the national standings,

http://www.hovercraft.org.uk/inlandresults...results08.shtml is the individual race meet results


I'm team nationwide F1X (number 30) (currently 4th in the nationals, of the 3 above me, 2 have more than 3 times my power) , and F503 (118) up to now, but leaving F503 to my brother in law from now as he just qualified. We got 3 craft now, my dad runs number 18 a 180BHP formula 1 craft ;)

makes my 50bhp F1X look v slow :o


Doing well mate, but need just a touch more power... hence this post :D check ur email!!!

Edited by T3k

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