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Flash And Main Beams

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With my pug if the lights are switched off when you use the flash it will flash as any more car would (as you expect) however when you try and use the flash once the lights are on it will lock on like a main beam would) is this the same with all 205's or has mine been bodged in the past.

Basically my question is, is there anyway to use the flash when the lights are on? Becuase at the moment is just puts main beams so you have to pull the indicator stalk again to turn them off.

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Mine does exactly the same, and I'd guess they all do. Not a great idea though I must admit ;)

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Thats how they work, you get used to turning on and off quickly to flash but its annoying when you're used to another car.

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ok its good to know its not my car being wierd. I guess its just one of those wierd things that some french guy thought was a good idea.


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But you can also pull the stalk back to about half way, before it clicks in to place, to make them flash. So once you are used to it you just pull back half way and release, rather than pull all the way, click on, and then pull all the way, click off.

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