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Driveshaft Poped Out?

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Ok just driving home from work tonight around 11ish and then i herd a bang and I couldn’t actually accelerate any ware i was like fook gearbox (not trying the gears) so looking around expecting i blew a hole in the thing or a rod shot off i got under the car and under the bonnet to take a closer look. then i noticed the drivers side driveshaft laying on the floor (the part that goes into the hub still attached but the bit going though the mount on floor) i was like WTF how did that come out.. ball joint still in place and everything. the shaft had alot of play in it but still popping out like that? i went over a speed bump but yeah seriously that cant be enough force to pop it out can it?


I got 309 drive shafts, hubs, wishbones (all good condition but the driveshaft that come out had some play from knuckle)


i think my lower mounts screwed aswell.. possibly engine movment combined with stuffed knuckle made it come out?? any ideas?


fixed it at the side of the road with wheel on because i could not find the damn locking nut lol scary thing though going to get a new set of shafts ASAP now.

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I could be wrong, but sounds to me like you might have fitted a 205 driveshaft :D

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Im with the GLP on this, Measure the shaft you have on there and see if it is a 205 one as they are known to pop out on 309 wishbones. Also hae a good look in the light and report back as I cant quite see how it can have fallen out in that way! (probably just me as its late)!

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There must be a good two inches of the shaft going into the gearbox so it must have moved by that amount to have popped out!! has the speedo drive housing sheared off?



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just sounds like a seriously worn second hand shaft, or possibly a 205 shaft, lucky it didn't let go at speed!

Edited by welshpug

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its not a 205 shaft as i took it off the 309 myself. its definatly longer and the shaft is warn bad it knocks when driving and its got alot of movment when shaking it by hand. im getting another set of shafts soon the spedo housing is fine.


might take it easy for a while not an easy task when you driving a mi16 on a 1.6 box and live in the middle of no ware with all these niec lains like me :).

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