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hi i know there are endless posts on here about cutting out and hunting revs on 1.9 gti's but i cant seem to find any thing like mine


when i start from cold revs are around 1000rpm then after around 1 min it idles at 1500 rpm i take it this is because of sad


then after 5 mins (when sad closes) it starts hunting between 1500 and around 650 and will eventualy die


i then restart her and rev her for around a min and then she idles but sometimes when she idles its around 1500rpm when hot and sad is closed so i give her a tap on the throttle and she comes back down to 1000 (bit like the throttle body is worn or tps is wrongly set)but after this she is fine


ive changed throttle body but still the same

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could be the throttle body switch out of adjustment?

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