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Jerking/ Missfiring 1.9

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Hi,some advice needed please.


My 1990 1.9 started playing up last week,jerking at low speeds in second gear mainly when setting of either at low speed or form stand still. it would do it a couple of times then pick up again.

so after a look around i found the dizzy cap to possibly be at fault as two pins inside had completely worn away.this was changed along with rotor arm and leads also put a new fuel filter on too.


All was well and has been since monday and the car felt alot better,more responsive and sounded smoother.


Today on the way home i stopped for petrol although there was still a 1/4 tank left,set of and came to pull into my village and the jerk returned and again at the next junction when setting of from around 15mph in second.


So what do i need to be checking next? the car was serviced last december and has only covered 1500 miles max.


the car has the ignition coil mounted to the inlet if this is any help.





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Any excessive play in the throttle cable & what condition are your spark plugs in?


Also the flylead between the ignition amp & dizzy can cause similar problems due to corrosion on the pins in the plug. (lead that goes into the sideof the dizzy & plugs into the loom about 30cm from there)



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Thanks for the reply Graham.


I will check the plugs tonight. throttle cable is ok i think its very responsive with the slightest touch of the pedal so isn't loose. and will check clean connections for the cable and report back.



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pee vee

i'd say its most likely to be the leads mate.

probably broken down.



if they are really bad/gone then open the bonnet in the dark, with engine running,

and see if there is a light show going on under the bonnet, lol.

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Already replaced leads as stated in my first post but no luck there plus the old ones were only changed last dec

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So after my above troubles with the car i've had four/five days of trouble free driving. having checked the plugs and wire pugtorque mentioned above everything seemed ok then today on my way home it all started again only this time i seem to have narrowed it down to happening only when stopped and pulling off again. i stopped at a junction,car in first went to pull of and it just reved up, i dip the clutch thinking i was not in gear correctly but it cut out.started straight up again but just would not pull off,put into second gear and it slowly began to go finally in third i got some drive. it was then fine once going and still pulled as strong as ever.But again at the next junction i had it all again apart from it didnt cut out. its getting quiet dangerous so i wont be using it until its sorted.


My thoughts now turn to possibly being the clutch??? although im not sure why it would cut out? time for a 6 conversion me thinks!


any ideas?



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Have you checked the earth connection to body and/or gearbox. We had this on an old BX where upon the earthing point had pretty much rusted through.

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Where abouts would this be?



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Where abouts would this be?




Follow the earth from the battery to where it is connected to the wing. Follow it again to where it's mounted to the gearbox.

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Another development today, i havn't used the car due to the reasons above but took it out for a good 15 min drive earlier and not a problem at all.


Im really puzzled now as to what this could be so im going to compile a list of things to check ig wiring,earths ect. if any one wants to add things please post up.


Just a thought but my release bearing is rattly so could this be sticking when warm? although not sure why it would cut out.


getting desperate now!!!



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Had trouble like this with my 1.6 over the winter for months ... eventually found it was condensation in the distributor cap. Dried it out & all fine ... until recently, when I've been parking over wet grass ... & now have problem again! At least it's easily sorted.

Might be worth checking, you never know. How these cars love obscure faults ....

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Thanks, the dizzy cap is brand new but will check .

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"Just a thought but my release bearing is rattly so could this be sticking when warm?"


Nah, cos there is so much force required to release the clutch, the spring-plate would easily move it back.

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