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Removed Beam Strap - Now Heat Shield Rattles

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A while ago i swapped my base model beam for a 1.9gti one. The old beam had some kind of strap wrapped around it and bolted into the underside of the car. However it was completely shagged and wasn't coming off the beam easily so we chucked it. I wasn't really convinced that it was necessary anyway, is it incase your beam comes off or something?!

anyway, as a result of the strap not being there, the exhaust heat shield rattles about, particularly at certain revs, and it's really annoying!! any ideas of what i should do with it?! obviously i wasn't planning on taking it off as i dont want to melt the tank! so not sure how to fix it on tightly. anyone else had to do this before and have any tips?



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Have you removed the whole of the strap & its mounting brackets?


There is a small bracket that fixes to the underside of the shell just behind the tank which has one of the strap mounting bolts on (justby the hoop) & you leave that fitted so the heat sheild can be clamped p & held tight.



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ah yes, i may have chucked that away too! :wacko:

at least i know what to look for now, maybe i can rob one from a scrappy if the old one isn't still around the garage!


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You can fit the strap without attaching it to the beam if you get a new one. You should be able to prise apart the loop on the strap and take if off the loop that attaches it to the beam if that makes sense, and then attach the strap on its own.

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ok yeah. The thing is i don't actually have any of the bits from the old beam anymore, that's the only trouble, it's all been scrapped now. But i'll try and give this a go

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