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Rear Light Loom Wiring Diagram

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I fixed a bodged conversion to P2 lights on my new GTi over the weekend and thought that I would do a wiring diagram whilst I was at it; so here it is ;)




The only things to say about it are that the brake lights aren't shown as they were; the branch/split was on the P2 side of the loom. Also the only colour difference I found was between the right side main/parking light and the main/parking light wire from the main loom.


Enjoy :lol:

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Wire numbers in order on plugs from top (Phase 1 loom):

- Red #53

- Green #36

- Yellow #64

- White #49

- Blue #48

- Orange #151


The wiring form the phase 2 car should hopefully be the same colour as all the ones I have chopped up and they are:


Plug fitted to passenger rear light unit:

1. Yellow wire #64, tail lights/ number plate lights feed

2. White wire #49, indicator feed

3. Orange wire #151, fog light feed

4. Red wire #53, reversing light feed

5. Green wire #36A, Brake light feed

6. Green/yellow wire #M1, earth


Plug fitted to the drivers side light unit:

1. Pink wire #63, tail lights feed

2. Green wire #36B, brake light feed

3. Blue wire #48, indicator feed

4. Green/yellow wire #M7, earth


These are numbered from top to bottom as you look at the new style light units with the plug in the correct orientation for fitting.




I prefer making a whole new loom so its a plug & play conversion.



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New improved edition with numbers :P



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