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Passenger Side Driveshaft Comes Apart.

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When changing the struts recently, I pulled the passenger side driveshaft out of the gearbox. I re-inserted it, but next time the hub moved away, the inner driveshaft UJ came apart, with the inner shaft remaining in the gearbox.


I pushed the 2 bits together, packed it with grease, re-attached the gaitor and reassembled the whole affair.


Thus, the inner UJ is only held together by the gaitor and the hub/bottom arm.


So I have 2 questions; is this OK, or could this be the cause of the pulling to the left/right under power/overrun?

Regarding that last problem, I have changed the wishbone bushes, the top mounts and checked that the hub holes aren't ovalled.


Any help gratefully received.





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that's quite normal, there isn't anything holding the inner joint together bar the gaitor, the outer joint is fixed and any vertical movement in the wishbone makes the inner joint slide in and out.



did you re-fill the gearbox after pulling the shaft out?

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OK, that puts my mind at rest then.


I completely drained the 'box and refilled it with 2 litres of fresh oil.

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