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Storing Tyres

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Ive just got my delivery of r888s (ta spiky) but when i get them put on the wheels I'll have no where to store them apart from outside.


Will this have a negative affect on the tyres and should a get a tarp over them?

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You want them out of sunlight and rain to be honest.


Get them in the house!

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Tom Fenton

Its UV that will knacker them up primarily, not sure of the effect of water but its probably none too clever. Get them stashed in the loft perhaps?

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Storage of tyres outdoors leads to moisture absorption and an increased risk of premature tyre failure. (robbed that straight off dunlops site!)

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ok ta chaps


I will have to sweet talk the landlady into giving me the cupboard under the stairs :rolleyes:

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And store them 'upright' if possible.


It's more of an issue with tyres that have very soft sidewalls, but if you stack them on their sides, one on top of the other, for a long time, then the sidewalls of the lower ones in the pile can squash together making them a pain in the backside to fit.

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And store them 'upright' if possible.


It's more of an issue with tyres that have very soft sidewalls, but if you stack them on their sides, one on top of the other, for a long time, then the sidewalls of the lower ones in the pile can squash together making them a pain in the backside to fit.


Storing them upright can lead to flatspots if you don't rotate them regulary though, horses for courses. I always lay mine down, stacked 2 high.

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Yep, as you say there are disadvantages either way.


Of course, I've only just noticed this bit:


but when i get them put on the wheels..


so my point isn't valid anyway, lol.

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ta guys

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Get yourself some glass cut and they'd make a coffee table in the living room!

One day will do that with one of my Lancia wheels!

I know of a guy who used a knackered (internally) 6R4 engine (I think it was anyway) and polished all the outside etc and used it as a coffee table/ feature in his house!

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Nice idea, didnt Clarckson also do that with the Porker challenge on top gear? He sold it for loadsa money and won the challenge if i remember correctly.

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