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206 Gti || Rc Atlantis Vortex Alloy 17"

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hi guy's,


i'm looking for a certificate:


17" stock 206 RC // Gti // Atlantis (vortex alloy) wheels


does anybody have this certicate?



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what do you mean by certificate? what's on this particular certificate?

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hm.. we in germany have to legalize/homologsize all technical changes, like wheels, engine,suspensions or anything else to.


here in germany its called: TUV

in the netherlands: APK.

in UK: ???


we have only the possibilite to legalisize by an TUV certificate (it come's from the distributor wich is sell his products for much money).


so, i'm looking for this certificate from the alloy wheels from peugeot.i've contacted them by mail and call -no reacion.my pugdealer does'nt have it too.


i need the info wich max wheelload do the RC alloy wheels have.


i've only a tuv certificate from pug 307 -with an wheelload of 555kg.

a friend is driving a pug 406 -with an wheelload of 615kg per axle


i've attached a example.


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