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Smashed Clutch On Mi16 With 1.6 Box

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So I'm thinking the clutch on my Mi16 has destroyed itself due to oil. At first there was a juddering, which got worse. then all of a sudden it kept acting like it was slipping out of gear, only the gearbox and rods were all behaving, with all gears selectable as normal. Now it doesn't drive at all, all gears are selectable with the engine running and no clutch input, and all that happens is a faint grinding sound. Somehow I think oil has gotten past a seal onto the clutch plate, caused the juddering and in turn has destroyed it.


I've got another 1.6 gearbox I can drop straight on, but what I'm looking for is advice on what clutch/flywheel combination would be good to replace the standard items, with a view to potentially tuning to 200bhp. It's never likely to see public roads again in my ownership either, so round town driveability isn't an issue.

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If the input shaft seal has gone, and there is enough oil to lose all drive, youll be able to see oil leaked from the box. Oil on a clutch normally causes slipping, left it will damage the clutch material due to oil contamination.


The Mi clutch and flywheel is plenty for 200bhp. There are uprated clutches, im not sure what other flywheels can be used. Sure its been covered on here somewhere though.

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Yup. soon after the clutch failed, oil peed out of the gearbox. not sure where from yet tho, I need to get the engine out and check.


I think the juddering was down to the clutch slipping because of the oil, then the springs on the plate becoming free allowing the clutch to bite again, only for it to lose grip and so on. Annoyingly it had been running fine for the 10 or so miles the car has covered with this engine, no doubt it's one of those once it starts going, it gets worse quicker he worse its gotten... sorta things.


I'll stick with standard clutch/flywheel for now then, thanks.

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You'd really have to keep the standard flywheel or pay for a suitably modified one due to the timing teeth ring for the CAS to work.


As said though, the 215mm Mi clutch is good for easily over 200bhp.



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