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306 Help, Matrix Related

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anyone familiar with the 306 heater matrix? Are the pipes that link from the bulkhead down to the matrix part of the matrix or are they replacable? Ive just done an engine swap for someone in a 306 xsi with a rattley bottom end. On inspection the oil contained water and further investigation shows a crack in one of these pipes, I suspect this caused a head gasket failure due to low coolant which has watered the oil and killed the bottom end. The guy does 1k a week in this car so it wouldnt of took long to develop :)

Ive bypassed the matrix for now but just looking at ways it can be fixed so he has heaters without breaking the bank.

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they're part of the matrix, which is a Dash out job to replace, thankfully I have never had to undertake one myself though I know that there are members that have.


good place to ask is the 306gti6.com forum, same heater arrangement across the range, just different pipes from the engine to the bulkhead.

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they are part of the matrix itself. It's not 'that' bad to do, just quite alot to do so you'll have dash bits everywhere!

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