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Mi16 Oil Pressure Problem

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hi, i have a 205 mi16 (engine fitted at correct angle) was all ok untill a run out yesterday were its lost oil pressure, and tends to drop under accleration. ive fitted new sensors and put new oil in it but its still no good. i think its the pump but does anyone have any ideas or has anyone experienced the same problem???



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I had the same last year at the beginning of a 400 mile journey. I s*it myself! Was convinced I'd have a dead bottom end by the time I got home.


If it's a gauge issue and you've already changed the sender (was it the fat one you replaced? The smaller one is the low pressure switch for the warning light) then it could also be a wiring problem. Neither the OE sender or guage are very accurate though.


If it's a genuine low pressure issue it could be that the crank bolt has come loose causing the pump drive to slip. Or it could be crap blocking the pickup - I've heard of sealant getting clogged in the pickup after someone used too much sealing the sump.


Maybe worth getting a garage to connect a mechanical pressure gauge up to check what the real pressure is before you go any further.


By the way, my symptoms were the guage kept dropping off and flicking up and down. For some reason if I kept to a steady cruise of about 4k rpm and didn't accelerate too hard it would hold pressure. I had no warning light at the time but I made it home OK and I'm sure it was just a electrical problem (my loom is shockingly bad).


Is your warning light coming on too?

Edited by GLPoomobile

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i have no warning light coming on, but sounds very similar to the problems i have been having. ill try the mechanical gauge from a garage to see what presure is bien kicked out. fingers crossed its the guage problem.


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