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Fuel Pipe Replacement

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It would seem the pre-formed fuel pipe that runs from the bulkhead to the bottom of the fuel filter are on back order with no sign of ever being back in stock soon. What are the options (no bodging :rolleyes:) to replace this pipe with a non dealer part given it screws onto the bulkhead hard pipe?

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If you can get the old one off, take it to a hydraulics place. They should be able to make you a new one but might need your old unions to re-use, assuming they are OK of course.


I asked in a hydraulics supplier close to me about PAS and AirCon pipes and they said they can make that sort of thing up no problem but they won't neccesarily have the right unions to go on each end.


I don't think you mean the solid metal fuel pipe from under the car, but if you do, I have a load of that spare as I bought over twice what I needed years ago from the dealer when I had to replace a damaged pipe.

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