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Speedos Now Over-reading

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my speedo used to read ok on the mi16 engine with mi16 box and quaife diff, i put the gti6 engine in last year with the same box setup (just pulled it off the mi engine and plonked it on the 6 one) and snapped the speedo cable so didnt really worry about the speedo until now


ive just replaced the speedo cable and it reading about 10-20mph too high :) ie: 82mph is showing as 100mph etc..


has anyone else had this with a gti6 engine? and why would it now be over-reading if ive swapped the same box and speedo drive straight over?? any idea how to fix? :P

Edited by kate205gti

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as the engine is irrelivant to the speedo


only wheel/tyre size and the plastic thing in the housing of the


unless the speedo is now faulty, can to try another?


or the cable is knackered??


was it a new cable or old cable?

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It definately overread on the Mi engine as well. Changing the engine has NO effect on the speedo accuracy whatsoever.


Swap the two speedo drive gears for a matched pair from a 205 box and all will be fixed.

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not when i took it out it didnt - i swapped the speedo drive to cure that ages ago! (swapped the red one for the white one!)


spiky - it was a second hand cable i got off a mate, so could be that I suppose :) i know the engine shouldnt cause the speedo reading to change - hence the thread! could be the speedo i guess :s

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has to either be the bit that turns the cable, or the bit that is turned by the cable, the cbale can't mysteriously turn faster than it is turned, less it's a magic nuclear powered one or something :s


Try swapping the clocks, if not then swap the worm drive bit again. can't be anything other than those things.


Or get a leccy speedo and set it up yourself.

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The 1.6/1.9 ones use a white drive wheel and a red pinion gear, Mi's use a Black drive wheel

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